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感恩 – 一个充满感恩和爱的假期

你是否曾因温暖的笑容而感恩, 关怀的问候, 和无私的帮助? 有没有一个时刻,你想向身边的人表达你的感激之情?

在 1621, 美洲新世界马萨诸塞州普利茅斯殖民地的清教徒举行盛大的庆祝活动,感谢美洲原住民的帮助, 庆祝丰收.
官方将这一天定为感恩节可以追溯到 1863, 美国内战期间, 当林肯总统宣布感恩节为国定假日时, 希望在动乱中提振民族士气.
随着全球化的推进, 各国文化在我国逐渐普及. 感恩, 作为美国和加拿大的重要节日, 随着两国及其他国家的交流逐渐传入我国.
The core values of Thanksgiving are gratitude and love, which also resonate in our country.

During Thanksgiving, people can take this opportunity to gather with their families, share delicious food, talk about past events, and bring each other closer.
The delicacies of Thanksgiving, such as turkey, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, 等等。, have attracted the interest of many Chinese diners.
These specialty foods have gradually become a part of China’s holiday diet, making Thanksgiving more attractive in our country.
随着感恩节在中国的流行, 商家也抓住这个机会开展促销活动.
各种节日礼物, 促销活动, 以及节日氛围的营造,让感恩节在中国越来越受欢迎.
During Thanksgiving, 人们通过赠送礼物来增进友谊、扩大社交圈, 一起吃饭, 问候语, 和其他手段. 这种社交互动也让感恩节成为人们表达感激之情的一个出口.