» 消息 » 行业新闻 » 汽车滤清器不更换会发生什么?


汽车滤清器在车辆运行中发挥着至关重要的作用, 因为它们负责过滤空气中的杂质, 燃料, 和机油进入发动机,保证其正常运转. 如果汽车滤清器长期不更换, 会对汽车产生一系列的负面影响:

首先, 不更换过滤器会导致发动机进气不良, 由于空气过滤器长期使用后会被灰尘、沙子等杂质堵塞, 使发动机难以获得足够的清洁空气, 导致加速无力、动力不足.

此外, 燃油滤清器堵塞也会影响燃油供应, 导致发动机故障,例如晃动和缺缸.

其次, 长期不更换机油滤清器将难以有效滤除机油中的金属屑、积炭等杂质. 这些杂质会在发动机内部循环, 加剧发动机磨损并缩短其使用寿命.

更认真地, long-term failure to replace the oil filter may also cause blockage of the oil pump, leading to serious engine failure.

所以, in order to maintain the normal operation of the car and extend its service life, car owners should regularly replace the car filter. When replacing filters, it is recommended that car owners choose a legitimate brand of filter and replace it according to the manufacturer’s prescribed replacement cycle.

同时, car owners can also regularly check the use of the filter. If any blockage or damage is found in the filter, it should be replaced in a timely manner.