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Are you mistaken about the use of oil filter?



Owners of cars should be aware that the operation of the engine is inseparable from the lubrication system, and the oil as a lubricant also needs the help of an oil filter. All three are indispensable to ensure the normal operation of the vehicle. The machine filter seems to be an inconspicuous auto part, but improper use will also affect the vehicle and even bring danger to the people in the car.

01.Long filter replacement cycle

Many car owners are busy at work or for some other reason, and do not regularly maintain the car according to the time specified in the car maintenance manual. As everyone knows, in some cases, the oil filter will stop working.

The oil filter relies on a single paper filter hole to intercept and filter impurities in the oil. However, due to the long-term use of the machine filter, there are already a lot of impurities inside, which will block the filter holes, so the passing capacity of the oil is greatly reduced. In this state, the internal frictional resistance of the engine increases, making it difficult to start.


02.Improperly installed filter

Some people will habitually think that the tighter the filter is, the less oil will leak, but this is not the case. Since the filter housing is a thin iron sheet, it will deform and squeeze the filter element when tightening, resulting in poor oil flow. It will also break or deform the annular gasket and leak oil.

03.Machine filter selection error
Now the cost of car maintenance has greatly increased. Many office workers’ car owners want to reduce the cost of car maintenance, and automobile service providers or repair shops also want to reduce the operating cost, thus expanding the living space of fake and shoddy products. Such products are rough in the arrangement of filter materials and the paint work on the surface of machine filter.
In addition, the quality of the rubber sealing ring of the machine filter can also judge the quality of the machine filter. The cheap rubber ring has a hard texture and is not easy to seal