Rumah » Berita » Berita Industri » Jika keadaan ini berlaku, pemilik kereta harus memberi perhatian!

Jika keadaan ini berlaku, pemilik kereta harus memberi perhatian!











Saya memandu setiap hari apabila saya keluar, tetapi pemandu yang sering memandu, terutamanya mereka yang merupakan pemandu yang lebih tua;
I don’t know if everyone has encountered such a problem: selepas beberapa tahun digunakan, kuasa kereta akan berkurangan dengan ketara, dan penggunaan bahan api juga akan meningkat, dan mungkin juga terdapat penurunan mendadak dalam kelajuan atau gegaran pada stereng.












Sebenarnya, sebab kesalahan ini sangat mudah, because not properly maintaining one’s own car leads to the failure of car parts, yang membawa kepada beberapa situasi seperti kuasa tidak mencukupi dan penggunaan bahan api yang tinggi.
Sebenarnya, kita mesti ada akal dalam penyelenggaraan kereta. Sebagai contoh, tiga bahagian yang dinyatakan di bawah mesti diganti pada 60000 kilometer tidak kira bagaimana khabar angin berlaku.
Kerana 60000 kilometer ialah a “halangan besar” untuk kereta baru, jika komponen ini tidak diganti tepat pada masanya, mudah untuk meninggalkan bahaya keselamatan!












Reminder to car owners: Selepas sampai 60000 kilometer, these four types of parts must be replaced even if they are not damaged. Don’t be fooled by them

01. Automotive brake system

The brake pad is one of the important components of the braking system, which is very important for ensuring vehicle safety. In general, it is recommended to replace the brake pads every 40000 ke 60000 kilometer. Walau bagaimanapun, due to the different materials of the brake pads, everyone’s driving habits and driving conditions, it is necessary to check the thickness of the brake pads to determine whether to replace them. Secara amnya, after driving 40000 kilometer, it can be inspected every six months. If any faults or problems are found, they should be replaced in a timely manner. Jika tidak, at critical moments, brake failure can be dangerous.












02. Automotive tires

As is well known, a car has three parts, including the chassis and gearbox, but they are the only parts that come into direct contact with the ground. Obviously, the tires are heavy, supporting the entire weight of the car like four legs.
Since the tire comes into contact with the ground, it must withstand wear and tear. Sebenarnya, cars rely on the friction between the tires and the ground, and the tires wear out every time they drive.












03. Terima OEMIODM “three filters

The three filters of the car are oil filter, gasoline filter and air filter. Their purpose is to ensure the normal operation of the engine. Lagipun, minyak, air and gasoline are the three most needed substances for engine operation. Once there are more impurities in these substances, the service life of the engine will be shortened in serious cases.












The oil filter and air filter are usually replaced during each routine maintenance; Walau bagaimanapun, gasoline filters are often overlooked. Gasoline filters mainly filter out impurities present in gasoline and replace them after 20000 ke 30000 kilometers of installation, while replacing them after 50000 ke 70000 kilometers of installation in the fuel tank.

04. Regularly clean up carbon deposits

For most car owners, they may not be unfamiliar with car carbon deposits, but it seems that most car owners are confused about how to clean up carbon deposits.
Walau bagaimanapun, for the removal of carbon deposits, as most people are not very familiar with it, most of the main parts of the car are simply not made. Walau bagaimanapun, the prolonged accumulation of carbon also has a certain impact on the performance of the car.